All'ingresso del paese di Pula, lungo la Strada Statale Sulcitana 195, proponiamo una grande proprietà agricola con due edifici non finiti.
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land with unfinished buildings in Pula
Land Sulcitana
agricultural land with unfinished buildings, in Pula
At the entrance to the village of Pula, along the Strada Statale Sulcitana 195, we offer a large agricultural property with two unfinished buildings.
The Land Sulcitana is located at the first entrance to Pula along the Strada Statale 195.
The agricultural property is five hectares and includes two unfinished buildings of 250 sqm each, for 500 sqm totally. These buildings are partly registered as residential use, 125 sqm, and partly registered as laboratory and agricultural storage, 375 sqm.
The buildings are in compliance from an urban planning point of view and regularly registered.
The Land Sulcitana is located just two minutes to the village and 3 km to the beautiful beaches of Porto Columbu.
Considering the agricultural vocation of the territory, the proximity to the sea and to all the services of the village and the excellent visibility of the location facing the road, the property is perfectly suited to an agrotourism activity.
Exempt from the obligation of energy certification.
Price: euro 430000. -
Pula and Santa Margherita
Pula is a municipality located southwest of Cagliari. Born in the Middle Ages, the centre developed in the eighteenth century with an important agricultural vocation. In just a few decades, thanks to the development of its extraordinary territory, has become an important tourist destination.
The village centre, built around the Piazza del Popolo, is a real lounge where you find bars, restaurants, and events on the stage right in the square for all summer. In the charming narrow streets of the centre there are numerous shops where you can go shopping.
Famous for the important archaeological site of Nora, you can enjoy among the special features of Pula the beautiful beaches of Santa Margherita and Su Gunventeddu, so as the lagoon of Nora, where is the Centre for Environmental Education, and the Forest Pixina Manna.

Località Sa Cavana snc
09040 Soleminis Italia
Sardahousing Immobiliare in Sardegna
Sardahousing Immobiliare in Sardegna
La compravendita della seconda casa in tutta la Sardegna è la specialità di Sardahousing sin dal 2001.
conoscenza del mercato, esperienza e affidabilità sono i nostri punti forti.
Sardahousing propone le migliori offerte immobiliari al mare e in campagna e offre al cliente tutti i servizi necessari a fare un buon acquisto o una buona vendita.
speciale cura è destinata ai nostri clienti stranieri con inglese in sede. L’agenzia Sardahousing è regolarmente iscritta all’albo di Cagliari.
contatti: – tel/fax: 0039-70-748016 - mob.: 00393290741198 –