Wildlife comeback of various animal species in Belgium, such as… the lynx!

reading duration
3 min.
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Nature, Forest
Stef Vanhoucke

This large predator that lives solitary has been spotted several times this year. Observations from February, August, October and November can confirm that it is the same lynx. This can be seen in the spotting pattern in the predator's fur. Each lynx has a unique spotting pattern, just like a human fingerprint. This unique drawing of the fur is now compared with known specimens from our neighboring countries to learn more about the origin of our first Belgian lynx.

The lynx is the largest feline in Europe. This large forest predator weighs about 20 kilograms and mainly hunts real ones that are ubiquitous in our country. Unlike the wolf, the lynx lives solitary in a habitat of about 100 km². The habitat of a male lynx is larger than that of a female and can also overlap several female areas. It is clear that this species needs a lot of space and ideally is in contact with other populations in order to be liveable in our regions.

Nevertheless, the feline can settle somewhere, provided there is enough food in the environment. This is probably the reason why it has been spotted several times in the Semois valley.

There has been a positive return in Europe of various types of animals such as the wolf, the stone marten and a number of spectacular birds of prey. Examples of these birds of prey are the eagle owl (one of the world's great owls) and the sea eagle. Yet this gives a distorted picture, since our nature is indeed becoming impoverished. Various types of insects, birds and plant species are disappearing.

So it is more important than ever to preserve our nature reserves! This can be done, for example, by investing in a nature reserve together with friends or family. Buying a nature reserve can also be seen as an investment, but more so in France, Spain or Eastern Europe. In Flanders, the return is somewhat less than in these other regions. (see article "You invest in nature reserves out of passion, not as an investment"). https://www.onemorehectare.com/en/landstyle/you-invest-in-nature-out-of-passion-not-as-an-investment

In addition, the organization "Rewilding Europe" is working on bringing back the diversity of life in Europe. They want to make Europe a wilder place, with more room for wild nature, wildlife and natural processes.

What is "rewilding"?

Rewilding is a progressive approach to conservation. It's about letting nature take care of itself, allowing natural processes to shape land and sea, restore damaged ecosystems and restore degraded landscapes. By re-naturalizing, the natural rhythms of wildlife create a wilder, more biodiverse habitat.

Rewilding Europe will soon be giving workshops and lectures for large landowners to "rewil" their property. More info at https://rewildingeurope.com.


HLN (2020, 11 dec) Nieuwe beelden opgedoken van de lynx in ons land. Geraadpleegd op 17-12-20, van https://www.hln.be/dieren/nieuwe-beelden-opgedoken-van-de-lynx-in-ons-land~af369592/

Rewilding Europe. What is rewilding? Geraadpleegd op 17-12-20, van https://rewildingeurope.com/what-is-rewilding/

Rewilding Europe. Our Story. Geraadpleegd op 17-12-20, van https://rewildingeurope.com/our-story/
