
Cookie statement


Cookies are small data or text files that are placed on your local computer by websites and applications. Which cookies can have different purposes: there are technical cookies (for example, for tracking language settings), session cookies (temporary cookies that expire after one session) and tracking cookies (cookies that track and track your behavior on the internet, to help you that way offering a more optimal user experience).

The Belgian Law on electronic communication of June 13, 2005 contains some provisions regarding cookies and their use on websites. The law transposes the European e-Privacy Directive, which means that the cookie legislation can be implemented differently in other European member states.

OneMoreHectare is located in Belgium and therefore follows the Belgian cookie legislation.


OneMoreHectare wants to inform every visitor of the platform / website as well as possible about his rights under the Belgian cookie legislation, and about which cookies OneMoreHectare uses. By using the platform / website, the visitor agrees to the use of cookies. Cookies help OneMoreHectare to optimize your visit to the platform / website, to remember technical choices (for example, a language choice, a newsletter, etc.) and to show you more relevant services and offers.

If you want to consult the platform / website of OneMoreHectare, it is recommended that the technical settings for cookies are enabled. Without cookies enabled, OneMoreHectare cannot guarantee a trouble-free visit to the platform / website. If you prefer not to use the cookies, you as a visitor are free to disable the cookies.

We use cookies to improve your visit to our platform / website. The cookies we use are safe. The information we collect using cookies helps us to identify any errors or to show you specific services that we think may be of interest to you.


We distinguish the following types of cookies, depending on their purposes:


Make sure cookies are enabled in your browser. To enable cookies, the following actions must be performed:

With browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer

With browser - Mozilla Firefox

With browser - Google Chrome

With browser - Safari

If you want to consult the platform / website of OneMoreHectare, it is recommended that you have cookies enabled. However, if you prefer not to do this, as a visitor you are free to disable the cookies via your browser settings. This can be done in the following ways

With browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer

With browser - Mozilla Firefox

With browser - Google Chrome

With browser - Safari

Or consult the help function of your internet browser.


Since cookies can be a processing of personal data, you as a data subject are entitled to the lawful and safe processing of personal data. As a data subject, you can exercise the following rights:

These rights are exercised in accordance with the modalities as stipulated in our Privacy Statement. You can also find more information about the rights of visitors in the Privacy Statement. If you still have questions or comments about cookies after reading this Cookie Statement, you can always contact us at hello@onemorehectare.com.