Even your hectare can give biodiversity a helping hand

4 min.
Verwandte Tags
Nature, Forest, Land
Lisa De Keyzer

Endangered species, the disappearance of plants, climate change, water and soil pollution… they are all subjects that have become a hot topic in the past few years. This high level of awareness has resulted in more initiatives concerning the preservation of fauna and flora. Landowners can also contribute to the protection and promotion of biodiversity.

The importance of biodiversity

The importance of biodiversity, the number and variety of living animals and plants, is often strongly underestimated. Nevertheless, it is an essential element for life on our earth. It's vital to our economy, tourism, healthcare and of course the climate. Habitats of animals and plants are threatened by various factors for example: urbanisation, pollution, infrastructure... It is normal for species to disappear over the years, but at the moment the speed of this process is unseen.

Private initiatives

We are definitely noticing a deterioration of the environment. That is why the role of private landowners in nature conservation is becoming increasingly important and the ‘Wildlife Estate Label’ was introduced. This label acknowledges landowners for the exemplary management of their territory in terms of biodiversity conservation.

The role of private landowners in nature conservation is becoming increasingly important

The best way to protect fauna and flora is to focus on their natural habitat. In Europe we already see several initiatives that might inspire you.

National park 'De Hoge Veluwe' in the Netherlands

The landscape of this park gives home to several rare animals and plants. Good management is crucial for this diversity. Interventions must be made in the landscape in order to preserve the varied population. Without these interventions, the number of animal and plant species would fall considerably. The park tries to increase the presence of certain plants and trees that animals use to feed themselves. This form of management is indirectly aimed at the propagation of a particular species. The opposite is also possible. Reducing species is done by targeted hunting. In the Netherlands, for example, pigs have no natural enemies. Without human intervention they would grow too fast, which would have negative consequences for other plants and animals.

Birr Castle Demesne in Ireland

This 50 hectare estate is home to several protected animal and plant species. The domain is surrounded by walls on most sides and is consequently well protected against intruding animal species. They also try to keep some of their areas wild to let the vegetation grow and fall as in nature. As a landowner, you have enough space to support biodiversity. This commitment will not only have positive consequences for the existence of animals and plants, but also for humans.